Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sundrops and the Power of Yellow

Sundrop, isn't that a wonderful name for a plant, especially one that looks like this. One of the other common names of this beauty is evening primrose but if you look that one up, you'll discover there's a wide variety of flowers in this family (the Oenothera) that slide around under the name evening primrose.

This particular beauty's Latin name is Oenethera fructicosa. It transplants easily, spreads rather nicely, tucks itself among the daylilies (which is quite an accompishment), and in the fall, it dies down to this bronze rosette that lies close to the ground.

One of my favorite plants and I figured it would brighten up your Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Agree - a great sunny yellow and I also enjoy it in my gardens. Glad it also pulls up as easily as it spreads :)
