Of all the friends who have contributed to my garden, none deserves more credit than Lauren. She's a professional gardener in the summer, and has become the go-to woman for plant knowledge by everyone who knows her.
She and I have slightly different approaches to gardening -- she's very neat and tidy, death to weeds, while I tolerate a certain number of "weeds" such as dames rockets, buttercups and violets in my gardens. Lauren most derisive term for a plant is "invasive" and yet there are delightful invasives such as evening primroses, bachelor buttons and creeping veronica that have a prominent place in my yard because their flowers are wonderful and they take little care from from me.
Lauren will stake. I'm not a staker except in rare cases -- such as my peonies and autumn joy. My figuring is that if a plant can't stand up on its own, it shouldn't expect me to do it.
Unless you're a peony from a special friend who lives up the hill who I'll introduce you to tomorrow.
But Lauren's botanical contributions are found throughout my yard -- including the bachelor buttons. She's responsible for almost all of my iris, including the yellow variety pictured here. As well as the yellow lilies. She's also shared coral bells and ladies mantle and catmint and this purple monkshood that won't bloom until Halloween.
Every time I walk in my gardens, I think of Lauren. She's a delight and so are her gifts.
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