You'll notice, since this is called the Power of 60 project, that Heidi is ten years younger than I am. Under many circumstances, this age difference would be formidable and perhaps it was when I was 19 and she was nine. But over the years, it's disappeared and we find ourselves good friends with more than the average number of shared experiences.
Which is why I am making a Friendship Star quilt to give her for her birthday. The top's been done for a couple of weeks and it was a featured star at my quilt guild meeting where it drew a number of oohs and aahhs. But then it got hard to find the hours needed to get the back done then the quilting and binding. (My gardens were screaming and after a full day outside, it was all I could do to stay awake until bedtime.)
But the back will be done tonight and I can start basting the three layers together tomorrow night.
So it's very close to done and my dear friend and sister will have this to adorn her couch at home or in her RV very soon.
Happy birthday, little sister.
I love you.
Love the quilt top :)