The crowd was great fun with all ages from a couple of babies (and one that should be born any day now—my back started to ache just seeing the way that Mama was leaning) to some of us (actually, a lot of us) old enough to be grandmas.
The band that opened the show—Refugee All Stars, from Sierra Leone—were just fantastic. I love really good percussion, the kind that gets inside your body and moves with it.
The second band, Trevor something or other, was awful. But then the sky cleared (though it was some humid) and everyone danced and danced and danced.
We got there early and settled on this upslope so we could see over the crowd to the stage. It was perfect. We're going to see Natalie McMaster there in August, the fourth of our four concerts this summer.
"I can see clearly now, the pain is gone. I can see all obstacles in my way."
Oh, it was so great to be out with good music. Thanks Kristin for getting us to go!
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