This is the working cover for that book and by the time I reach the end of the second set of 60 days in this yearlong journey, this book will be completed and ready for release on Amazon as of October 5.
So from time to time over the next 60 days (well, actually it's down to 58 now), I'll be talking about The Hands-On Guide to Book Publishing for Everyone since it's taking up a big chunk of space in my life right now.
If any of you have rummaged around in the pages on this blog, you'll have gandered (if Palin can make up words, so can I—really, that woman is amazing—fraudulent, nasty, hate-filled, ignorant and taking so many willing victims to the cleaners that I can only watch with my mouth open at the intractable nature of stupidity) at the six projects I set for myself.
And if you've visited more than once, you may have twigged to the fact that I've changed one of them a few times, flailing around for just the right one. Well, this morning, I realized it was staring me right in the face—six goals, one for each of the 60 day segments in the year.
The first, though unspoken, was developing the habit of getting on my blog every day. And except for two days in June when I was on the Cape visiting my Mom (and coping with the fact that she was, indeed, working her way across the spiritual finish line), I did that. So, I'm going to call that one fulfilled.
And for my next trick, I will finish this book so I can use it for teaching this fall. Onward!
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