Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Caution: Left Brain at Work

Back at the beginning of October, we moved my office and studio into the finished basement of our house. Part of this walk-out area was once our bedroom, complete with a full set of built-in closets and cupboards and drawers built by my husband Jay.

There wasn't time then to put shelves in the former closet so the space got filled by plastic totes and then bags full of stuff. It was a challenge to find anything but I had plenty to keep me busy so waiting until Jay could get to this was fine.

Two weekends ago, he installed the shelving which you can see at the top. Now empty shelves and the opportunity to organize what goes on them is like a siren call to me. When it comes to having a place for everything, I'm pretty left-brain. I can and do make messes with the best of them but when a project is done, the first thing I do is put everything away. 

Like most projects around there, this one inevitably pulled in other parts of the house. My pleasure reading books were all downstairs but that part of my life gets carried out elsewhere. So those had to move.

I wanted everything to do with my office to get corralled into the spaces designated for that. 

But when I finally got to the point where I could pull out my stash and line it up by color on the shelves, it was so much fun.

Consider it the last act in a move well-moved.

1 comment:

  1. I see some open spaces :) Love how organized - just sets you up to get a project going.
