Thursday, November 4, 2010

Will Says

I once read that in order for humor to work, to tickle our fancy, to make us laugh, it had to be based on truth. Perhaps that is why humorists such as Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Richard Pryor and George Carlin grab our attention and hold it.

One of my favorite humorists of all time is Will Rogers. I have a quote of his on a bumper sticker taped to the window of my car that reads: If stupidity got us into this, why can't it get us out?

Today is Will Rogers' birthday, a holiday celebrated in his home state of Oklahoma (don't you love that?). I found a website dedicated to the man, and it had tons of quotes from him. Here are some of my current favorites that I just gotta share.

A flock of Republicans will replace a mess of Democrats. It won’t mean a thing. They will go in like all the rest of ’em. Go in on promises and come out on alibis.

Papers say: “Congress is deadlocked and can’t act.” I think that is the greatest blessing that could befall this country.
Statistics have proven that the surest way to get anything out of the public mind and never hear of it again is to have a Senate Committee appointed to look into it.
This country has gotten where it is in spite of politics, not by the aid of it.
People don’t change under governments. Governments change. People remain the same.
Every guy looks in his pocket and then votes.
Never blame a legislative body for not doing something. When they do nothing, they don’t hurt anybody. It’s when they do something is when they get dangerous.
The United States Senate opens with a prayer and closes with an investigation.
Outside of traffic, there is nothing that has held this country back as much as committees.
Every nation must have its legalized form of gambling. We have our Wall Street.
When the big nations quit meddling then the world will have peace.

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