Friday, November 26, 2010

Glazing Isn't Just for Donuts

We had a great Thanksgiving with three of our closest friends and lots of great food. Jay and Jesse helped out immeasurably, especially Jay who started prepping the food on Wednesday.

Now no one cooks in this house for the next three days, at least. And I have a big soup pot full of a boiled-down carcass and broth that I need to process and then put into the freezer for turkey soup, fricasse and chilis later on.

Early this morning, the first of the many-days-yet-to-come with weather called "wintry mix" began. This is the kind of stuff that every driver around here—if they dont have their heads tucked deep into their cellphones—learns to pay deep attention to.

It's raining, dripping really, but all of the surfaces of everything—steps, roads, birdhouses, etc.—are cold enough to take those drips and turn them into wet ice.

If the sun was out, this glaze would glint and sparkle like the diamond forest in the Twelve Dancing Princesses. But under today's gray sky, it's just wet, slippery glaze.

Another marvel brought to us by water.

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