Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hmmmm—A Book Review in One Part

About a year ago, I listened to an audio book of The Sugar Queen by this author, Sarah Addison Allen, and really enjoyed it. Light, airy, fun, not too sweet.

So I had no reservations about taking this book out of the library, The Girl Who Chased the Moon.

It's very much of a piece with Sugar Queen, the same sort of quirkiness, walking the same line between this world and another, more faery sort of place. Well written. Reads fast because you want to know what the heck is going on.

So why am I unsure about whether I liked it or not? Hmmm. I think, and don't hold me to this, that it was because it was too much like the other novel, as if the author used a similar cookie cutter, just in a different size.

It's the same issue I have with Janet Evanovich's mystery novels with Stephanie Plum. I quit reading them after the second or third because they were too predictable.

Now, I can't argue with authorial success. Both Allen and Evanovich sell a ton of books and more power to them, I say. I just don't think I'm going to be looking a third novel by her, that's all.

But if I was in an airport and needed something to read, this would be a likely and welcome candidate.

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