Thursday, September 30, 2010

Out with the Pink Already!

You know that expression that success is one part inspiration and nine parts perspiration? I think there's an analogy when it comes to design that goes something like this: perfect design only happens in your head. The rest is all trial and error.

So here's a picture of my awful prototype for the bling bags I'm making to be part of Mom's memorial celebration. The velvet ribbon catch is not quite straight. For some reason that now baffles me, I decided to use zigzag instead of straight stitch to sew up the top and sides. I think it looks messy.

The results, in my opinion, are ugh, ugh, ugh and ugh.

But that's an all right thing to happen when you're working out a prototype. I made two more last night and with one small, final adjustment, they'll be just what I want.

But then there's the matter of the lining fabric. No matter how hard I try to like this dull pink fabric, the more I don't. When I brought the prototype into the house to show my husband—my first and best critic—he remarked that "it looks like fabric that someone got dirty."

I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear him say that. I have an inborn instinct to use up or reuse whatever I can. The religion of recycling, if you will. But some fabrics just can't be saved. That damn pink is now in the waste basket and I feel so much better.

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