Saturday, March 26, 2011

OK, So Maybe the Chill Isn't Gone—Yet

OK, I admit it. I was premature, optimistic, yearning to be free of boots, heavy coats, mittens and shoveling. But this winter has fought back like a wounded tiger.

Oh, maybe I should make that an irritated red squirrel since I've never been in the neighborhood of a wounded tiger.

Anyway, I assumed (oh, that deadly word) we were headed to more moderate temps so I let the woodstove go out at night. You have to understand that while this is not the only source of heat in my office and quilt studio, it is definitely the principle source of heat.

And that's just fine and dandy if the outdoors isn't dropping below 40 degrees or so. It will be cool in the morning but not cold.

But 15 degrees. Cold. Close to zero. Colder.

So now I take a daily trudge (actually, it's great being outdoors, I just wish it was for a different reason) to the woodpile we have down on our land to get wood to last the night and during the day. This is the first time we've made it to the end of the heating season with so small a pile of burnable stuff in the house.

I hear reports all over the Upper Valley from folks whose woodpiles melted in front of their eyes during January, a fate experienced by us.

On the other hand, I'm grateful I have a woodpile to dive into AND that there's been enough melting for me to get to it.

But I sure wish someone—anyone—would tell this winter the jig is up. Time to get outta town!

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