Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I know, I know, I've used the same art for my posts three days in a row. But this is giving birth, folks.

Today, my papery child went off with my favorite midwife and editor, Ruth, for a good once-over by her eagle eyes. YOUR BOOK, YOUR WAY will come back better for the experience.

Folks who don't write for a living must figure that when an author gets done with a book, there are moments of Eureka! And Euphoria!

Not so, my friends. All I want is to not see it for a while, to do something—anything!—else that does not involve my book.

The Euphoria will come later, when I hold it in my hands as a finished book.

Of course, those feelings will be followed closely by the "Oh My Gawd, What Do I Do Now?" feelings.

But that's next week.

For now, it's done and Ruth will make it better.

As the saying goes—Amen!

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