Lady Nature has surely smiled on me this week. The temps are just what I like -- in the 60s and 70s with little humidity. I've been able to get into my gardens and truly get a jump on the season. There's still a lot to do but without this week, it would be August before I caught up and then you're never caught up.
We've been watching this pair of Canada geese and their five goslings for two weeks now. Love those baby sightings and am amazed, all over again, at how fast the goslings change. My husband saw them barely out of the egg, all covered with yellow down. When I first spotted them, there were a few greenish feathers on their backs. Yesterday, the green color has spread and there are dark tips to their tail feathers.
We had a few moments of anxiety because we could only see one gosling, then three and then finally five. Also interesting to hear -- sort of -- how very quiet the parents can be. Usually they're busy announcing their presence but nary a peep now.
Coffee with a friend this morning. I've spent a lot of time lunching this week, something I never do. It's great to have time to really talk with my friends and family, really great.
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