A cheap thrill is anything that you enjoy and get to enjoy again; anything you've ever wanted to do but never quite got around to doing it and then you do; a good score on something you want (in other words, it's free -- which is the perfect price -- or at a cost so reasonable, you're more than willing to buy it); or redoing something you've always wanted to again.
So my first Cheap Thrills of the year came last night. I love being outdoors (except when it's a torrential downpour or below zero -- that's kind of tough) and always take our dog Goldie out for a last turn around the yard before we all head to bed. We live on a river in Vermont in a place where the color green dominates the landscape at this time of year.
Last night, the frogs were singing their love songs down in the river in the shallow pools made by the sand and rocks. That's cheap thrill number one.
And then as I looked off to the west at the trees that dominate the road in that direction, I saw fireflies. I've never seen fireflies on my birthday before. Like everything else this spring, they're about three weeks ahead of schedule. But watching those fairy lights was so satisfying. Cheap thrill number 2.
Started my first book of the 60 Season: A Room with a View by E.M. Forster, one of my favorite turn-of-the-century authors. I love the sly way he gets his comments on British society into his narrative, like the person you know with the dry sense of humor that you need to catch out of the side of his mouth if you catch it at all.
And the movie with Helena Bonham Carter is a favorite too.
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