We are in the midst of one of the nicest springs most of us can remember. There have been a few hot days -- two of them up into the 90s which is waste of heat as far as I am concerned -- but this weekend has been superb, high 70s, little humidity, a light breeze that prevents most of the assorted biting insects from landing on your skin.
Yep, perfect gardening weather.
Like all gardeners, I feel perpetually behind on what needs to be done -- planting, weeding, getting the grass out from between the stones in the walkways. But this year, I have a big project on top of all the smaller, perpetual needs.
We used to have a string of knee-high planter boxes across the back part of our yard with trellises across the top. For years, they've held impatiens on the shady side and a variety of climbers on the sunny side. Last fall, we realized that the planters were in pretty bad shape and this spring, we realized they couldn't be saved.
Most of them are now doing their final turn as compost containers and I have this long, wide space of open soil, the topsoil that was in the containers needs to be used, I need more space for squash, and we really miss the privacy screen we got from the trellises.
So that's where I've been for the past two days, moving dirt and rearranging and weeding and picking the worst of the stones out of the soil. Sometimes, like now, I kinda yearn for winter when I can stay inside and quilt or read. But then I walk among the flowers and realize how much care and love shows itself off in flowery form in my yard. And I know this is where I'm supposed to be.
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