Sunday, May 23, 2010

That Warm, Glowy Feeling

Just a short post for today.

Started book #2 last night -- Watership Down. Now I'm deep in the business of Hazel-rah and Fiver and Bigwig and the whole band. It is still one of the most delightful fantasies I've ever read.

I like that's it's not one of those Medieval-lite books with castles and fair maidens with heaving bosoms and knights in shining armor slaying dragons. To my mind, boring. Watership is mature, more like you'd imagine an adventure would be. Troublesome things, as Bilbo Baggins would say. (And will get to say later on this year because J.R.R. Tolkien is on my list.)

And we had a surprise birthday party for our friend Kristin today. And we really did surprise her. It's been a while since we've had our friends over to the house and so we got to show off the granite countertop and new cabinetry that Jay put in. And another friend that we haven't seen for a long time, Dennis, came up to share the day. He and Kristin and my Jay used to teach together.

The weather continues dry and warm. My body, which seems to be sore everywhere, will be sort of glad to get out of full-time gardening and back to work at the computer. But I'm going to make sure I do a little gardening every day.

Also got our kayaks out on the river yesterday and today with Kristin. The dames rockets are out and the woods are just filled with bird song and scent.

It just doesn't get any better than this.

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