Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Going, Going, Almost Gone

That little dark arch you see
in the background is the
top of our mailbox on March 8.
There's this movie called Smoke starring Harvey Keitel that has this great running bit in it. The main character, played by Keitel, steps out of his tobacco shop in NYC every morning at the same time and snaps a photo of whatever and whoever is going by.

I've always liked that idea but seem to lack the discipline to do it every morning.

But I did manage to snap a few pictures as March marched toward April.

All four of these photographs were taken by me standing on the front step of our house looking toward the road and the mailbox at the end of our driveway.

The first one was taken on March 8. The second a week later on March 15. The third on the 19th and the last one this morning, April 12.

Can you imagine how much water was in that pile of snow alone? Then imagine that multiplied by a bazillion and you'll understand why the White River is in flood mode. It has been quite the spring so far, ladies and gentlemen.

A week later, on March 15, you can see more
of the mailbox.
By March 19, you can see the mailbox's
erstwhile companion, the newspaper
box, still standing after all our snow.
And this morning, April 12, the snow is nearly all gone.

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