Saturday, January 1, 2011

Shine Until Tomorrow

Here in Vermont, we are blessed with beauty, good people, and one of the best rock radio stations in the country, The Point FM.

They rarely play the same song twice in a day. They play cool stuff from the sixties, introduce you to great stuff being done today, do some live interviews, the deejays are NOT stupid or trivial.

The Point is not part of anything other than itself, calling itself independent radio.

OK, that's the touting. Here's what they're doing today that is so cool. They played the entire Beatles catalog, in alphabetical order, all day long with very, very, very few commercials.

We've just been enjoying the heck out of the day, with every radio in the house on so no matter where you are, you can listen. We've been re-enchanted and re-amazed at the incredible variety of music these guys produced—silly (Yellow Submarine), poignant (She's Leaving Home), bubble gum (what else can you call She Loves You?), political (Revolution Number 1), romantic, (Here, There and Everywhere) and just plain fun (Rocky Raccoon).

I honestly can't think of any other contemporary musical artist or group whose catalog is so wide ranging. There is no sameness to their work.

I mean, you can always tell it's a Beatles song but I think that's more about the fact that Jay and I grew up with them and so Jesse did by default so we're so familiar with their songs.

Over the years, I've let music slip out of my life because there are so many other places where my attention is needed. Today has been a powerful reminder that that's a mistake. I've smiled, been inspired, spirited away to the day when Jay and I got married and sang "When I'm 64" to one another all day.

Yep, chalk it up to one more reason why it doesn't get any better than this. 2011's been terrific so far.

Shine until tomorrow!

Most Important Task for today: Getting all Christmas stuff put away. Done, I'm happy to report, except for the lighted wreath above our front door which will stay for the twelve days of Christmas.

M.I.T. from yesterday: all of the checking accounts are reconciled to the end of the year and all of the financial records complete for the year for taxes.

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