My Mom continues to fade, albeit slowly, but she's now aware that her swallowing problems (it's frightening to watch her take a pill because you're so sure it's going to get caught) are similar to the ones experienced by our Dad in the weeks leading up to his death eight years ago.
Mom and my sister had the "big conversation" about dying last week, during which she expressed this awareness and her fears. The next day, Mom was sitting up in bed for a while and trying to eat something. I gather she succeeded with a few mouthfuls. I'll tell ya, the woman is an endurance specialist. Marathon runners could take lessons on staying power from her.
A week ago, Heidi and I sent a howling email of complaint and concern to the corporation that owns the Mashpee Rehab center. Though our primary concern is always Mom, we've both witnessed care issues with other residents in Mashpee. Most, if not all, of them have their roots in the corporate culture cultivated by SunBridge. (Sun Health Care Systems is the parent company).
Until now, I had been unaware of the spectacular slide in the quality of elder care in the US. Not that I didn't suspect it was as bad as the rest of what passes for health care in our country. I just hadn't observed it up close and personal.
Yesterday, we got what I hope is a reprieve in the Mom-care aspect of this. Heidi met with a clinical supervisor from SunBridge, someone dispatched by the company to personally address our issues. Promises were made about Mom, explanations were given. We'll see.
But the larger issue remains untouched. Our health care for the elderly is on a metered system as corporations try to figure out how to make more and more money off of vulnerability and fear.
But those of us who can fight back need to do so. I could use your help.
If any of you have experiences with nursing homes or rehab facilities that you'd be willing to share, please email them to me at If you know of sites where concerned families and friends congregate to share their stories, please send the links. If you've read a helpful book or know of a place to get good advice, please send that information along.
I will be sure to share it.
We need to get the lay of the land before we set off to change its contours.
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