Everyone in this country is having a hard time right now—except for the corrupt, greedy, not-ashamed-of-themselves-but-should-be gazillionaires who are pocketing our tax dollars. Here on the White River, we've had a bit more pain lately, some loss financially and socially, more anxiety and frustration. Life American Style, 2010.
Fortunately, Lady Nature sometimes gives me a little tap on the side of the head to remind me that some of my gloom is self-induced.
This morning on our walk, Goldie and I saw a deer leap off into the ferns. Yesterday, a hummingbird flitted about among our red bee balm. I picked cherry tomatoes and zucchini squash and cucumbers from my own garden. They'll be part of supper tonight.
Last night, I got to know three members of my quilt guild a little better as we teamed up to laugh and play and design our way through this completely-made-from-scratch small quilt and had a great time doing it. My head is buzzing with ideas now. That, to me, is one of the most fabulous feelings in the whole universe, that creative juice flowing. (Much more fun than doing royalty statements, which is what I'm taking a break from right now.)
Then as my erstwhile canine companion and I got back into the yard from our walk, I spotted this single morning glory blooming away in my compost bin. This stray is part of what I plucked while cleaning the edges of my gardens this weekend. I have tons of these vines reseeding themselves from a six pack I bought years ago.
And so I got my reminder—you need compost to make good soil and blooming in it is a grand idea.
So there.
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