Jay, Goldie and I continued our exploration of our area's lakes by kayak. We've been having a wonderful time, and being outdoors in different settings each weekend is truly good for our heads. Reminds us why we got together more than 30 years ago. It's the hanging-out aspect of our relationship that we've always enjoyed.
This time, we drove over to Plymouth, Vermont (home of Calvin Coolidge) and scouted around until we found a nice put-in for Rescue Lake. This area, along Route 100 (to my mind, the prettiest state road of them all) actually has a number of lakes, large and small, along the Black River.
Our Rescue Lake voyage marks the first time we've paddled on a body of water with motorboats on it. Actually, there was really only one tearing around the water for a little while dragging a skier. We stayed close in to shore and checked out all the houses and camps on the lake.
Personally, I think lake communities, especially the older, established ones, are way cool. I think it's because it's a community built around a circle. And there's a different rhythm when you live right on the water. Rescue does have some newer buildings, the way-too-big-I-have-more-money-than-you type. But most of the camps were smaller and older, some probably dating back to the 40s or earlier. Absolutely delightful in their eccentricities.
And today's harvest celebration is over the fresh red onions we got from the Norwich Farmer's Market yesterday. These were grown at the Hurricane Flats farm. We all love onions here. In fact, they are part of nearly every meal along with garlic.
Reds are the best fresh and raw, cut in very small pieces in salads. Just a sprinkle so they don't overwhelm. And if you quarter them, toss with olive oil, salt, pepper, and garlic powder then spread on a veggie grilling pan and cook them with your barbeque, well, there ain't nothing better.
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